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Our Passion

Why do we move? What is the value of exploring the diversity of our movement patterns available to us through our own unique body types? Everybody moves differently. At The Movement Project our purpose is to teach our clients a true appreciation for movement, connection to their bodies and a permanent desire to live a truly balanced and present lifestyle.


We put together intelligent, holistic workouts that build strength from the ground up, adapting those workouts depending on your specific movement patterns. We teach movement that rebalances the fascial-skeletal relationship, improves your posture and most importantly, uses movement to strengthen your body and mind.


We aren't here to indoctrinate you into some specific form of movement. We don't want to make you stay. We want to make your personal movement experience more refined. More purposeful. More enjoyable and more stress free, creative and explorative. After all, only you have your unique body, and we want to learn how you move.


Performing exercises with correct alignment makes your workout incredibly challenging but incredibly effective and beneficial. Whether you like to lift heavy weights, play sports, do cardio every day, or have only a single-focus-movement experience, we will balance your workout routine so you get what you enjoy and what you need. We educate our clients to be self-sufficient. In the end if you no longer need us, but still want to train with us, then we have succeeded.



Body, Mind, Nourishment and Environment our key areas of focus for your health. Our goal is to provide you with the service that you need to reach your goals, not the services you might want. We ask you to attempt something challenging and seemingly impossible so that you can truly have radically profund break thought in your life.


Our approach to moving your body is tailored for your specific needs. We begin with an assessment to determine your proficiency in key areas of foundational movement patterns. These being;


1. Rolling

2. Spinal Extension

3. Rocking

4. Getting Up

5. Standing

6. Walking

7. Running

8. Throwing

9. Climbing

10. Breathing

Nutritional Coaching

Our approach to nutrition is tailored to your ancestral lineage. We begin first by raising your awareness as to the quality of your food, directly addressing the impact of Big Food on your health.


We focus primarily on;

1. Food Quality

2. Water Quality

3. Fats first

4. Local is best


Mindset & Environment

Our approach to mindset and environment is tailored to the modern human context. 


The reality is that we cannot escape the modern world without much sacrifce but we can bring the ancient world back into the modern context to hack our systems which developed in nature for many years.


We focus primarily on;

1. Light quality

2. Wifi Exposure

3. Sleep quality

4. Growth Mindset

5. Air quality

6. Self-love

7. Gratitude

8. Meditation



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